We continually pound the page about what is heading our way and as always one of our key objectives is to understand the trajectory of disruptive technologies, and how to leverage them via investing. Over the next five years, multiple exponential technologies are converging to disrupt virtually every aspect of the global economy. This is crystal clear.
Follow the people who have the ability to look over the horizon and understand the scale of disruption that lies ahead. Rapid advances across a broad range of sectors during the last year characterise the scale of change and it’s only just begun.
At the top of the list is communications via the connection of 8 billion plus people through high-speed 100MB broadband networks via undersea cable, drones and satellites and that infrastructure building is currently underway. As more of the world comes online, commerce and economies will continually come alive, new technologies will assist in ease of communications and connectivity will lift many economic boats in the poorer nations.
There are so many smart people in places where network connectivity will allow them to make an impact. Below are the projected GDP ranking changes predicted between now and 2050.
Increased connectivity combined with the excellent demographic profiles of the emerging countries will be a game changer.

Projected GDP rankings from 2016 – 2050