How Flexible Work Benefits the Environment

Think about your usual morning routine, centred around one basic objective – getting to work on time.

Thanks to Smart Work Hubs and Coworking spaces around Australia, workers have an alternative way to get a days work done with less stress, minimal commuting and in a more relaxed environment closer to home. Employers, employees and the community at large are starting to reap the benefits that come with shorter commuting times and a rich, diverse work atmosphere promoting innovation and collaboration among professionals.

Everyone benefits from lowering commute times by utilising remote office spaces. Working closer to home means that you’ll spend less money on petrol and car maintenance, less time in a car or on public transport commuting each day meaning you’ll get more sleep and enjoy more leisure time or time with family.

What about the environmental impacts of Coworking spaces and Smart Work Hubs? It stands to reason that shortening commuting times for people is going to help reduce carbon emissions and fuel consumption, but by how much?

If you worked remotely 2 days per week you can potentially save up to 6,600kms of driving each year, amounting to approx:1.5 metric tons of green house gases!

Reducing carbon emissions by getting people into offices closer to their homes has real benefits for everyone, including cleaner air in our cities, less traffic, less need for infrastructure spend and more in the Government coffers for education and healthcare.


The sharing economy tackles these issues head on as it aims to reduce consumption and increase the overall efficiency with which we live and work together. A healthy sharing economy means less production, less carbon emissions and less inefficiency and waste. All of these things lead to a cleaner, safer environment for people around the world.

Every Coworking and Smart Work Hub space occupied means that a working Australian will reduce their commuting time to the workplace, resulting in reduced carbon emissions. If this initiative is successful, it could reduce carbon emissions in Australia by thousands, even millions, of kilograms per year.

Some of the key benefits of flexible working include:

* Decreased Operational Cost for Employers

* Increased Affordability of Office Space by Leasing Out Surplus Space to Startups

* Increased Flexibility and Mobility of Workforce

* Decreased Commute and Improve Work Life Balance

* Decreased Congestion on Transport Networks

* Decreased Carbon Emissions and Support the Environment

* Decreased the Need For Infrastructure Spend and Increase Funds Available

* Promote Economic Activity in Areas Outside of the Central CBD

* Promote Networking and Collaboration Between Different Businesses


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