The current issue of Wired Magazine devotes it’s cover story to the smart phone. Robert Capps writes;
“It’s a cliché in the tech and business realms to say that the world is going mobile. Mobile first! Mobile only! Mobile native! We accept that this is happening, but we seldom explore what it means to us as people. Our phones, always connected and always with us, have become incredibly personal. They belong to us, to an extent that no previous device ever achieved. Because of that we belong to them too, and it’s a bond that shapes us at the deepest level—in how we express ourselves, in what we hold out as beautiful and compelling, in how we try to emotionally connect, in ways abstract and literal, with our friends and muses. Our phones are now indelibly bound up with our aesthetic souls. And today both are always on”. The upcoming launch of the new Apple iPhone in my opinion will yet “another” game changer. Apple is asking suppliers for a record first production of its new iPhone, says the WSJ. While last year’s initial production run of iPhone 5s and 5c phones was in the 50 to 60 million range, Apple wants nearly 80 million bigger iPhones. So what does this mean, it means more demand for bandwidth, and as night follows day this helps Telstra more than most people presently understand. We harp and harp about Google and Telstra and Simon’s repeated writings on about Telstra still stands. Apple is about to help David Thodey and Telstra more than they can help themselves. |
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