What is NewportNet?

The Shared office Space

Quite simply NewportNet is a Coworking habitat and shared office space providing freelancers, startups, and mobile workers an inspiring, collaborative environment to work together independently.


Coworking is redefining the way we work by offering a solution to the isolation and distractions that many freelancers experience while working at home. Many of our clients are Web Designers, Photographer/ Video/ Film makers, basically anyone with large files to upload and download utliizing our ultra fast Fibre Optic Internet connectivity currently running at 200mg symmetrical, as well as people who want join NewportNet’s Coworking community.

We believe that the definition of work has changed

There was a time when people worked just to make a living, but now, a lot of us see work as a means of achieving personal goals and finding a sense of purpose and creative satisfaction.

At NewportNet we’ve created an environment where you can achieve your goals with a high level of satisfaction. NewportNet takes the best elements of a coffee shop (social, energetic, creative) and the best elements of  a workspace (professional, productive, functional) and combines them to give workers the chance to have their own affordable space. Society has undergone cultural change. We’ve moved on from the industrial era to that of the experience economy.

It’s not just about working and earning money that matters to us. Our Ultra fast Fibre Optic internet capacity will help you to develop your business and enable a Work Life Balance so you can spend more time with your greatest asset, your family.

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